APC Mentored ATPL - Powered by Aero Locarno

EASA ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) frozen integrated with the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) on twin-engine instrument aircraft (MEP IR)

Students from the APC/AeLo training program are presented to recruiting airlines as high quality, airline-ready, qualified pilots.

What is the APC Mentored ATPL?

  • The most cost-effective path to becoming a professional airline pilot

  • The quickest path to becoming a professional airline pilot

  • The most attractive candidates to recruiting airlines

APC will screen, prepare and train you in Aero Locarno to an above-average standard that will make you attractive to recruiting airlines.




What do you get when you qualify?

At the end of the course, you obtain an EASA ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot License) frozen integrated with the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) on twin-engine instrument aircraft (MEP IR) issued by the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation. The course includes the AeLo APS MCC that is founded on APC’s expertise in the enhanced MCC (AMC 2.FCL.A).

APC and AeLo will use their extensive networks in the airline industry to ensure that students from the APC/AeLo training program are presented to recruiting airlines as high quality, airline-ready, qualified pilots.

Vision for a Diverse Industry

We in APC believe that there are no educational, societal, gender, racial, or cultural reasons why everyone who wants to become an airline pilot, cannot do so. 
APC wants to break down barriers to entry, so that the world’s most exciting career is available to everyone who has the capability to be a pilot, but perhaps has never believed that it could be possible for them.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for the best students who are finishing secondary technical institutes or high schools and who have a solid academic performance. Applicants can apply to the program through two Gateways reflecting the multifaceted nature of the pilot training process.

  • Gateway 1 Requirements: Ab initio cadets with no previous flight experience.
  • Gateway 2 Requirements: Applicants who have commenced training and / or holding a PPL and wish to join a coordinated training program in AeLo, mentored by APC 

How can I get enrolled? How is the selection process structured?

To be enrolled on the program, you must:

What happens next?

After you have completed all the mandatory fields in the APC registration process, you will be given an option to self-enroll into the selection process via a pop-up, Call to Action, in your APC Dashboard. 

How do I learn more?

Click here to download the detailed program brochure.

We provide exclusive access to the APC Symbiotics Practice Assessmements and Support Services to help you decide if a career as an Airline Pilot is right for you.

Throughout the process, APC will provide expert guidance in areas where you can improve so that you can fulfil your potential as a Professional Pilot.