For parents

The APC Guide to becoming an Airline Pilot

Why & How You Can Become A Professional Pilot

Hello and thank you so much for visiting our website.

It may seem a bit strange, perhaps, that there is a section ‘For parents’ on a website dedicated to Airline Pilot careers. In fact, it is not a bit strange; it is essential. As a parent, you are going to be a mentor and a counsellor to your child during their training. Above all, you will almost certainly be the bank that funds your child’s Training. So, having lived and worked in the Pilot Training industry for decades, I think you should know some things before you start out on this journey with your child.

The pass rate at Airline assessments is consistently hovering around 60%. This means that 40% of licenced Pilots who apply for an Airline Pilot job are not up to the standard required by Airlines. What does this tell us?

There are two aspects to the answer:

  1. Students need specialised, personal support to reach their potential.

    Solution: APC’s AI  Mentor - Amelia
    We know how tough it is to develop the core Airline Pilot Competencies necessary to become a safe and efficient pilot. These nine Competencies are well understood and are fundamental to the ability for an Airline Pilot to perform safely. Students are trained and checked based on their ability to learn and execute these Competencies. But not everyone has the right stuff to develop them.

    That is why we in APC have developed our AI powered mentor for our members that will help them during their training. Our AI agent – “Amelia” – will take all the data from the various assessments that your child will do and build a personalised profile that clearly points out strengths and areas for development. Amelia will walk with you and your child during the training program, learning about them, and always providing them with clear guidance as to how to improve. 
    Amelia is an invaluable tool that will provide you and your child with an always-available mentor whose task is to ensure that your child reaches their potential, and your training fee investment is safeguarded. 

  2. Not all Flying Schools are the same

    Solution: APC’s Quality Audit of partner ATOs
    While there are great Flying Schools out there who have high standards and are dedicated to providing the best Training possible to their students, there are other schools who are not at the same standard. Yet, they are all authorised to issue the same Professional Pilot’s licence.

    This is where APC can really help you, we will only recommend the best schools to your child. We have selected our partner Approved Training Organisations (ATOs) after a thorough examination of their ability to train the Pilot Competencies and to find their students Airline Pilot jobs.

    Watch our video “Choosing the Right ATO” below where I go into much more detail about this important topic.

We wish you and your child the very best of good fortune in the pursuit of their dream Airline Pilot career. It is a fantastic career, one that offers great financial rewards, professional satisfaction and amazing opportunities in an exciting industry.

I should know, I have lived that dream.

– Andy​ O'Shea