See It to Be It

Vision for a Diverse Industry

We in APC believe that there are no educational, societal, gender, racial, or cultural reasons why everyone who wants to become an airline pilot, cannot do so. 

APC wants to break down barriers to entry, so that the world’s most exciting career is available to everyone who has the capability to be a pilot, but perhaps has never believed that it could be possible for them.

See It...


Be It...

Pilot Competencies are Human Competencies

In order to be safe and effective, an airline pilot must possess certain attributes and capabilities (Pilot Competencies). These Pilot Competencies are by no means extraordinary. In fact, everybody possesses key core competencies, learned during their lifetimes through day-to-day interactions within family, school, social, sport and work environments. 

In this infographic we have displayed the Pilot Competencies, and their definitions so that you can understand that they are also human competencies, that we all use everyday of our lives. 

  • Workload Management? Ask any parent. 
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making? Not a day goes by without people exercising this competence. 
  • Situation Awareness - We are constantly assessing our environment and projecting forward so that a good outcome arises…. Fuel in the car, distance to go? Family and colleague’s mood - How will these impact the day? 

And so on… The point is, because pilot competencies are rooted in human competencies, there is no reason why YOU should not aspire to being a competent airline pilot.

Hover / click on the infographic to view the competency descriptions.

Redraw the Balance

We know that Diversity is not just about rebalancing the male female representation in the airline pilot population. However, it is the starkest example, where a tiny percentage of half the human population are today airline pilots. The International Society of Women Airline Pilots publish statistics that show how unbalanced the situation is.

Now watch this powerful video that shows what we are up against in terms of career gender stereotyping.
Incredibly, pigeon-holing of gender career expectations starts between 5 and 7 years of age among schoolchildren.

Career Insights

Watch this short video to learn more about the airline pilot career, and taking that first step to being one.

APC Introduction Video

Here is a quick and easy way to understand how APC can launch your career in a few simple steps. Remember, everything is FREE to you in APC, once you have registered!

Diversity News & Blog

Airline Pilot Club and Symbiotics partner to help prepare future Pilots

Airline Pilot Club and Symbiotics partner to help prepare future Pilots

Date: 22 June 2022
Category: News, Diversity News & Blog
Airline Pilot Club (APC), an online pilot preparation platform, and Symbiotics, the provider of ADAPT Pilot Psychological Assessments, have partnered to provide a range of pilot aptitude assessments to support future pilots at the start of their career.
An introduction to APC by veteran aviation journalist and former RAF pilot David Learmount

An introduction to APC by veteran aviation journalist and former RAF pilot David Learmount

Date: 19 May 2022
Category: News, Blog, Diversity News & Blog
APC is one of those good ideas that raises the inevitable question “why didn’t somebody think of this before?”
The Airline Pilot Club (APC) Announces Boeing Investment and Strategic Partnership

The Airline Pilot Club (APC) Announces Boeing Investment and Strategic Partnership

Date: 18 January 2022
Category: News, Diversity News & Blog
APC and Boeing / Aerospace Xelerated have announced the launch of a partnership that will provide aspirant airline pilots with a powerful platform from which they can progress on their journey to becoming an airline pilot.

We provide exclusive access to the APC Symbiotics Practice Assessmements and Support Services to help you decide if a career as an Airline Pilot is right for you.

Throughout the process, APC will provide expert guidance in areas where you can improve so that you can fulfil your potential as a Professional Pilot.